""" Autogenerated input type of AddCommentViolationReport """ input AddCommentViolationReportInput { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String """ CommentのID """ commentId: ID! violationReport: ViolationCommentReportInput! } """ Autogenerated return type of AddCommentViolationReport """ type AddCommentViolationReportPayload { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String comment: Comment } """ Autogenerated input type of AddPostComment """ input AddPostCommentInput { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String comment: CommentInput! """ PostのID """ postId: ID! } """ Autogenerated return type of AddPostComment """ type AddPostCommentPayload { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String post: Post } """ Autogenerated input type of AddPostLike """ input AddPostLikeInput { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String """ PostのID """ postId: ID! } """ Autogenerated return type of AddPostLike """ type AddPostLikePayload { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String """ いいね作成 """ post: Post } """ Autogenerated input type of AddPostPlayHistory """ input AddPostPlayHistoryInput { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String """ PostのID """ postId: ID! } """ Autogenerated return type of AddPostPlayHistory """ type AddPostPlayHistoryPayload { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String post: Post } """ Autogenerated input type of AddPostViewedLog """ input AddPostViewedLogInput { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String """ PostのID """ postId: ID! } """ Autogenerated return type of AddPostViewedLog """ type AddPostViewedLogPayload { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String postViewedLog: PostViewedLog } """ Autogenerated input type of AddPostViolationReport """ input AddPostViolationReportInput { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String """ PostのID """ postId: ID! violationReport: ViolationPostReportInput! } """ Autogenerated return type of AddPostViolationReport """ type AddPostViolationReportPayload { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String post: Post } """ 銀行口座入力情報 """ input BankAccountInput { accountNumber: String! bankName: String! branchNumber: String! holderName: String! } """ コメント情報 """ type Comment { content: String! createdAt: ISO8601DateTime! id: ID! parentId: ID updatedAt: ISO8601DateTime! user: User! } type CommentCreatedNotification implements NotificationBase & PostNotificationBase { actionUser: User content: NotificationContentEnum! createdAt: ISO8601DateTime! isRead: Boolean! post: Post updatedAt: ISO8601DateTime! user: User } """ コメント入力情報 """ input CommentInput { """ 内容 """ content: String! """ 返信先コメントID """ parentId: ID } type CommentRepliedNotification implements NotificationBase & PostNotificationBase { actionUser: User content: NotificationContentEnum! createdAt: ISO8601DateTime! isRead: Boolean! post: Post updatedAt: ISO8601DateTime! user: User } """ Autogenerated input type of CreateLetter """ input CreateLetterInput { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String letter: LetterInput! } """ Autogenerated return type of CreateLetter """ type CreateLetterPayload { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String letter: Letter } """ Autogenerated input type of DeleteComment """ input DeleteCommentInput { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String """ コメントのID """ id: ID! } """ Autogenerated return type of DeleteComment """ type DeleteCommentPayload { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String post: Post } """ Autogenerated input type of DeletePost """ input DeletePostInput { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String """ 投稿のID """ id: ID! } """ Autogenerated return type of DeletePost """ type DeletePostPayload { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String } """ Autogenerated input type of DisablePaidPostSetting """ input DisablePaidPostSettingInput { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String } """ Autogenerated return type of DisablePaidPostSetting """ type DisablePaidPostSettingPayload { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String me: User! } """ 下書き投稿情報 """ type DraftPost implements UnpublishedPostBase { audioFileName: String audioUrl: String """ ※ HTMLで返ってくる """ content: String coverImageUrl: String createdAt: ISO8601DateTime! id: ID! tags: [Tag!]! title: String! updatedAt: ISO8601DateTime! user: User! } """ The connection type for DraftPost. """ type DraftPostConnection { """ A list of edges. """ edges: [DraftPostEdge] """ A list of nodes. """ nodes: [DraftPost] """ Information to aid in pagination. """ pageInfo: PageInfo! """ 総件数 """ totalCount: Int! } """ An edge in a connection. """ type DraftPostEdge { """ A cursor for use in pagination. """ cursor: String! """ The item at the end of the edge. """ node: DraftPost } """ メールアドレス入力情報 """ input EmailInput { """ メールアドレス """ email: String! } """ Autogenerated input type of EnablePaidPostSetting """ input EnablePaidPostSettingInput { bankAccount: BankAccountInput! """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String } """ Autogenerated return type of EnablePaidPostSetting """ type EnablePaidPostSettingPayload { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String me: User! } """ Autogenerated input type of FollowUser """ input FollowUserInput { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String userName: ID! } """ Autogenerated return type of FollowUser """ type FollowUserPayload { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String user: User } type FollowedNotification implements NotificationBase { actionUser: User content: NotificationContentEnum! createdAt: ISO8601DateTime! isRead: Boolean! updatedAt: ISO8601DateTime! user: User } type FollowingUserPostCreatedNotification implements NotificationBase & PostNotificationBase { actionUser: User content: NotificationContentEnum! createdAt: ISO8601DateTime! isRead: Boolean! post: Post updatedAt: ISO8601DateTime! user: User } """ An ISO 8601-encoded datetime """ scalar ISO8601DateTime """ おたより """ type Letter { """ 匿名希望の場合もnull """ author: User content: String createdAt: ISO8601DateTime! id: ID! """ 匿名希望かどうか """ isAuthorNameClosed: Boolean! isRead: Boolean! updatedAt: ISO8601DateTime! } """ The connection type for Letter. """ type LetterConnection { """ A list of edges. """ edges: [LetterEdge] """ A list of nodes. """ nodes: [Letter] """ Information to aid in pagination. """ pageInfo: PageInfo! """ 総件数 """ totalCount: Int! } """ An edge in a connection. """ type LetterEdge { """ A cursor for use in pagination. """ cursor: String! """ The item at the end of the edge. """ node: Letter } """ おたより入力情報 """ input LetterInput { """ 内容 """ content: String! publishAuthorNameStatus: LetterPublishAuthorNameStatusEnum = AUTHOR_NAME_CLOSED """ 送信先 """ targetUsername: ID! } """ おたよりを匿名にするかどうかの情報 """ enum LetterPublishAuthorNameStatusEnum { """ 非公開 """ AUTHOR_NAME_CLOSED """ 公開 """ AUTHOR_NAME_PUBLISHED } type LetterPublishedNotification implements NotificationBase { actionUser: User content: NotificationContentEnum! createdAt: ISO8601DateTime! isRead: Boolean! letter: Letter updatedAt: ISO8601DateTime! user: User } """ メール設定情報 """ type MailNotificationSetting { subscribeCommentedByUser: Boolean! subscribeFollowedByUser: Boolean! subscribePostCreatedByFollowingUser: Boolean! subscribeRepliedByUser: Boolean! } """ メール通知設定入力情報 """ input MailNotificationSettingInput { subscribeCommentedByUser: Boolean! subscribeFollowedByUser: Boolean! subscribePostCreatedByFollowingUser: Boolean! subscribeRepliedByUser: Boolean! } type Mutation { addCommentViolationReport(input: AddCommentViolationReportInput!): AddCommentViolationReportPayload addPostComment(input: AddPostCommentInput!): AddPostCommentPayload addPostLike(input: AddPostLikeInput!): AddPostLikePayload addPostPlayHistory(input: AddPostPlayHistoryInput!): AddPostPlayHistoryPayload """ 分析用の投稿再生情報の記録作成 """ addPostViewedLog(input: AddPostViewedLogInput!): AddPostViewedLogPayload addPostViolationReport(input: AddPostViolationReportInput!): AddPostViolationReportPayload createLetter(input: CreateLetterInput!): CreateLetterPayload deleteComment(input: DeleteCommentInput!): DeleteCommentPayload deletePost(input: DeletePostInput!): DeletePostPayload disablePaidPostSetting(input: DisablePaidPostSettingInput!): DisablePaidPostSettingPayload enablePaidPostSetting(input: EnablePaidPostSettingInput!): EnablePaidPostSettingPayload followUser(input: FollowUserInput!): FollowUserPayload pinPost(input: PinPostInput!): PinPostPayload readLetter(input: ReadLetterInput!): ReadLetterPayload readNotifications(input: ReadNotificationsInput!): ReadNotificationsPayload removePostLike(input: RemovePostLikeInput!): RemovePostLikePayload removeTwitterLoginSetting(input: RemoveTwitterLoginSettingInput!): RemoveTwitterLoginSettingPayload signout(input: SignoutInput!): SignoutPayload unfollowUser(input: UnfollowUserInput!): UnfollowUserPayload unpinPost(input: UnpinPostInput!): UnpinPostPayload updateComment(input: UpdateCommentInput!): UpdateCommentPayload """ メールアドレス更新リクエスト。※ 受信したメールアドレスのリンクをクリックしたら更新される """ updateEmail(input: UpdateEmailInput!): UpdateEmailPayload updateMailNotificationSetting(input: UpdateMailNotificationSettingInput!): UpdateMailNotificationSettingPayload updateMyPostPlayRecord(input: UpdateMyPostPlayRecordInput!): UpdateMyPostPlayRecordPayload updatePassword(input: UpdatePasswordInput!): UpdatePasswordPayload """ 分析用の投稿再生情報の記録更新 """ updatePostViewedLog(input: UpdatePostViewedLogInput!): UpdatePostViewedLogPayload withdraw(input: WithdrawInput!): WithdrawPayload } """ お知らせ情報 """ union Notification = CommentCreatedNotification | CommentRepliedNotification | FollowedNotification | FollowingUserPostCreatedNotification | LetterPublishedNotification """ お知らせの共通インターフェース """ interface NotificationBase { actionUser: User content: NotificationContentEnum! createdAt: ISO8601DateTime! isRead: Boolean! updatedAt: ISO8601DateTime! user: User } """ The connection type for Notification. """ type NotificationConnection { """ A list of edges. """ edges: [NotificationEdge] """ A list of nodes. """ nodes: [Notification] """ Information to aid in pagination. """ pageInfo: PageInfo! """ 総件数 """ totalCount: Int! } """ お知らせの種別を返す """ enum NotificationContentEnum { """ コメントが作成された """ COMMENT_CREATED """ コメントに返信された """ COMMENT_REPLIED """ フォローされた """ FOLLOWED """ フォローしてるユーザーが投稿した """ FOLLOWING_USER_POST_CREATED """ おたよりが公開された """ LETTER_PUBLISHED } """ An edge in a connection. """ type NotificationEdge { """ A cursor for use in pagination. """ cursor: String! """ The item at the end of the edge. """ node: Notification } """ Information about pagination in a connection. """ type PageInfo { """ When paginating forwards, the cursor to continue. """ endCursor: String """ When paginating forwards, are there more items? """ hasNextPage: Boolean! """ When paginating backwards, are there more items? """ hasPreviousPage: Boolean! """ When paginating backwards, the cursor to continue. """ startCursor: String } """ 有料投稿情報 """ type PaidPost { attachmentDuration: Int audioFileName: String! audioUrl: String! price: Int stock: Int } """ Autogenerated input type of PinPost """ input PinPostInput { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String """ pinしたい投稿のID """ id: ID! } """ Autogenerated return type of PinPost """ type PinPostPayload { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String post: Post } """ 投稿情報 """ type Post { attachmentDuration: Int audioFileName: String! audioUrl: String! comments: [Comment!]! """ ※ HTMLで返ってくる """ content: String coverImageUrl: String createdAt: ISO8601DateTime! id: ID! """ 自分がいいねしたかどうか """ isLikedByMe: Boolean! """ 総いいね数 """ likesCount: Int! """ 自分の再生履歴情報。履歴がない場合はnull """ myPlayRecord: PostPlayRecord paidPost: PaidPost playCount: Int! tags: [Tag!]! title: String! updatedAt: ISO8601DateTime! user: User! } """ The connection type for Post. """ type PostConnection { """ A list of edges. """ edges: [PostEdge] """ A list of nodes. """ nodes: [Post] """ Information to aid in pagination. """ pageInfo: PageInfo! """ 総件数 """ totalCount: Int! } """ An edge in a connection. """ type PostEdge { """ A cursor for use in pagination. """ cursor: String! """ The item at the end of the edge. """ node: Post } """ 投稿関連のお知らせの共通インターフェース """ interface PostNotificationBase { post: Post } type PostPlayRecord { """ 音声再生地点 (秒) """ playbackPosition: Int! post: Post! updatedAt: ISO8601DateTime! user: User! } """ 分析用の投稿の再生記録情報 """ type PostViewedLog { id: ID! viewedSec: Int! } """ 予約投稿情報 """ type PublishingScheduledPost implements UnpublishedPostBase { audioFileName: String audioUrl: String """ ※ HTMLで返ってくる """ content: String coverImageUrl: String createdAt: ISO8601DateTime! id: ID! isPublishingScheduled: Boolean! publishingScheduledAt: ISO8601DateTime! tags: [Tag!]! title: String! updatedAt: ISO8601DateTime! user: User! } """ The connection type for PublishingScheduledPost. """ type PublishingScheduledPostConnection { """ A list of edges. """ edges: [PublishingScheduledPostEdge] """ A list of nodes. """ nodes: [PublishingScheduledPost] """ Information to aid in pagination. """ pageInfo: PageInfo! """ 総件数 """ totalCount: Int! } """ An edge in a connection. """ type PublishingScheduledPostEdge { """ A cursor for use in pagination. """ cursor: String! """ The item at the end of the edge. """ node: PublishingScheduledPost } type Query { """ ログインユーザーの下書き投稿一覧を返す """ draftPosts( """ Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. """ after: String """ Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. """ before: String """ Returns the first _n_ elements from the list. """ first: Int """ Returns the last _n_ elements from the list. """ last: Int ): DraftPostConnection! """ フォローしてるユーザーの投稿一覧を返す """ followingPosts( """ Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. """ after: String """ Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. """ before: String """ Returns the first _n_ elements from the list. """ first: Int """ Returns the last _n_ elements from the list. """ last: Int ): PostConnection! """ 新着順で投稿一覧を返す """ latestPosts( """ Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. """ after: String """ Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. """ before: String """ Returns the first _n_ elements from the list. """ first: Int """ Returns the last _n_ elements from the list. """ last: Int ): PostConnection! """ 投稿の情報を返す """ letter(id: ID!): Letter! """ おたより一覧を返す """ letters( """ Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. """ after: String """ Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. """ before: String """ Returns the first _n_ elements from the list. """ first: Int """ Returns the last _n_ elements from the list. """ last: Int ): LetterConnection! """ ログインユーザーの情報を返す """ me: User! """ 自分のフォロー一覧を返す """ myFollows: [User!]! """ お知らせ一覧を返す """ notifications( """ Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. """ after: String """ Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. """ before: String """ Returns the first _n_ elements from the list. """ first: Int """ Returns the last _n_ elements from the list. """ last: Int ): NotificationConnection! """ 公式ユーザー一覧を返す """ officialUsers( """ Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. """ after: String """ Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. """ before: String """ Returns the first _n_ elements from the list. """ first: Int """ Returns the last _n_ elements from the list. """ last: Int ): UserConnection! """ ピックアップユーザー一覧を返す """ pickedUpUsers( """ Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. """ after: String """ Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. """ before: String """ Returns the first _n_ elements from the list. """ first: Int """ Returns the last _n_ elements from the list. """ last: Int ): UserConnection! @deprecated(reason: "PickupUsersを利用してください") """ ピックアップタグ一覧を返す """ pickupTags: [Tag!]! """ ピックアップユーザー一覧を返す """ pickupUsers: [User!]! """ 投稿を再生履歴順で返す """ playedPosts( """ Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. """ after: String """ Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. """ before: String """ Returns the first _n_ elements from the list. """ first: Int """ Returns the last _n_ elements from the list. """ last: Int ): PostConnection! """ タグ一覧を返す。投稿数降順。 """ popularTags( """ Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. """ after: String """ Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. """ before: String """ Returns the first _n_ elements from the list. """ first: Int """ Returns the last _n_ elements from the list. """ last: Int ): TagConnection! """ 投稿の情報を返す """ post(id: ID!): Post! """ 公開中のお題を返す """ publishedThemes: [Theme!]! """ ログインユーザーの予約投稿一覧を返す """ publishingScheduledPosts( """ Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. """ after: String """ Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. """ before: String """ Returns the first _n_ elements from the list. """ first: Int """ Returns the last _n_ elements from the list. """ last: Int ): PublishingScheduledPostConnection! """ 任意の投稿のおすすめ投稿一覧を返す """ recommendedPostsByPost( """ Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. """ after: String """ Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. """ before: String """ Returns the first _n_ elements from the list. """ first: Int id: ID! """ Returns the last _n_ elements from the list. """ last: Int ): PostConnection! """ 投稿を検索して返す """ searchPosts( """ Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. """ after: String """ Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. """ before: String """ Returns the first _n_ elements from the list. """ first: Int keyword: String! """ Returns the last _n_ elements from the list. """ last: Int ): PostConnection! """ タグを検索して返す """ searchTags( """ Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. """ after: String """ Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. """ before: String """ Returns the first _n_ elements from the list. """ first: Int keyword: String! """ Returns the last _n_ elements from the list. """ last: Int ): TagConnection! """ ユーザーを検索して返す """ searchUsers( """ Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. """ after: String """ Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. """ before: String """ Returns the first _n_ elements from the list. """ first: Int keyword: String! """ Returns the last _n_ elements from the list. """ last: Int ): UserConnection! """ 任意のタグを返す """ tag(name: String!): Tag! """ ハッシュタグの投稿一覧を返す """ tagPosts( """ Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. """ after: String """ Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. """ before: String """ Returns the first _n_ elements from the list. """ first: Int """ Returns the last _n_ elements from the list. """ last: Int name: String! ): PostConnection! """ ハッシュタグの投稿一覧を人気順で返す """ tagTrendPosts( """ Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. """ after: String """ Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. """ before: String """ Returns the first _n_ elements from the list. """ first: Int """ Returns the last _n_ elements from the list. """ last: Int name: String! ): PostConnection! """ お題の情報を返す """ theme(id: ID!): Theme! """ トップスライダーの情報を返す """ topSliders: [TopSlider!]! """ トレンドの投稿一覧を返す (2日以内の再生回数順) """ trendPosts( """ Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. """ after: String """ Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. """ before: String """ Returns the first _n_ elements from the list. """ first: Int """ Returns the last _n_ elements from the list. """ last: Int ): PostConnection! """ Twitter連携設定を行うリダイレクト先URLを返す """ twitterLoginSettingRedirectUrl: RedirectUrl! """ ユーザーの情報を返す """ user(userName: String!): User! """ ユーザーの投稿一覧を返す """ userPosts( """ Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. """ after: String """ Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. """ before: String """ Returns the first _n_ elements from the list. """ first: Int """ Returns the last _n_ elements from the list. """ last: Int userName: String! ): PostConnection! } """ Autogenerated input type of ReadLetter """ input ReadLetterInput { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String """ おたよりのID """ id: ID! } """ Autogenerated return type of ReadLetter """ type ReadLetterPayload { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String letter: Letter } """ Autogenerated input type of ReadNotifications """ input ReadNotificationsInput { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String } """ Autogenerated return type of ReadNotifications """ type ReadNotificationsPayload { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String } """ リダイレクト先URL情報 """ type RedirectUrl { redirectUrl: String! } """ Autogenerated input type of RemovePostLike """ input RemovePostLikeInput { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String """ PostのID """ postId: ID! } """ Autogenerated return type of RemovePostLike """ type RemovePostLikePayload { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String post: Post } """ Autogenerated input type of RemoveTwitterLoginSetting """ input RemoveTwitterLoginSettingInput { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String } """ Autogenerated return type of RemoveTwitterLoginSetting """ type RemoveTwitterLoginSettingPayload { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String } """ Autogenerated input type of Signout """ input SignoutInput { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String } """ Autogenerated return type of Signout """ type SignoutPayload { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String } """ タグ情報 """ type Tag { name: String! postsCount: Int! } """ The connection type for Tag. """ type TagConnection { """ A list of edges. """ edges: [TagEdge] """ A list of nodes. """ nodes: [Tag] """ Information to aid in pagination. """ pageInfo: PageInfo! """ 総件数 """ totalCount: Int! } """ An edge in a connection. """ type TagEdge { """ A cursor for use in pagination. """ cursor: String! """ The item at the end of the edge. """ node: Tag } """ お題情報 """ type Theme { description: String! id: ID! name: String! tag: Tag! } """ トップスライダー情報 """ type TopSlider { id: ID! imageUrl: String linkUrl: String } """ Autogenerated input type of UnfollowUser """ input UnfollowUserInput { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String userName: ID! } """ Autogenerated return type of UnfollowUser """ type UnfollowUserPayload { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String } """ Autogenerated input type of UnpinPost """ input UnpinPostInput { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String } """ Autogenerated return type of UnpinPost """ type UnpinPostPayload { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String post: Post } """ 未公開投稿の共通インターフェース """ interface UnpublishedPostBase { audioFileName: String audioUrl: String """ ※ HTMLで返ってくる """ content: String coverImageUrl: String createdAt: ISO8601DateTime! id: ID! tags: [Tag!]! title: String! updatedAt: ISO8601DateTime! user: User! } """ 更新可能なコメント入力情報 """ input UpdatableCommentInput { """ 内容 """ content: String! } """ 更新可能な再生履歴情報 """ input UpdatableMyPostPlayRecordInput { """ 音声再生地点 (秒) """ playbackPosition: Int! } """ パスワード更新入力情報 """ input UpdatablePasswordInput { newPassword: String! newPasswordConfirmation: String! oldPassword: String! } """ 更新可能な分析用の投稿再生情報の記録入力情報 """ input UpdatablePostViewedLogInput { """ 秒数 """ viewedSec: Int! } """ Autogenerated input type of UpdateComment """ input UpdateCommentInput { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String comment: UpdatableCommentInput! """ CommentのID """ id: ID! } """ Autogenerated return type of UpdateComment """ type UpdateCommentPayload { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String comment: Comment } """ Autogenerated input type of UpdateEmail """ input UpdateEmailInput { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String email: EmailInput! } """ Autogenerated return type of UpdateEmail """ type UpdateEmailPayload { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String user: User } """ Autogenerated input type of UpdateMailNotificationSetting """ input UpdateMailNotificationSettingInput { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String mailNotificationSetting: MailNotificationSettingInput! } """ Autogenerated return type of UpdateMailNotificationSetting """ type UpdateMailNotificationSettingPayload { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String mailNotificationSetting: MailNotificationSetting } """ Autogenerated input type of UpdateMyPostPlayRecord """ input UpdateMyPostPlayRecordInput { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String playRecord: UpdatableMyPostPlayRecordInput! """ PostのID """ postId: ID! } """ Autogenerated return type of UpdateMyPostPlayRecord """ type UpdateMyPostPlayRecordPayload { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String playRecord: PostPlayRecord } """ Autogenerated input type of UpdatePassword """ input UpdatePasswordInput { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String password: UpdatablePasswordInput! } """ Autogenerated return type of UpdatePassword """ type UpdatePasswordPayload { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String user: User } """ Autogenerated input type of UpdatePostViewedLog """ input UpdatePostViewedLogInput { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String """ PostViewedLogのID """ id: ID! postViewedLog: UpdatablePostViewedLogInput! } """ Autogenerated return type of UpdatePostViewedLog """ type UpdatePostViewedLogPayload { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String postViewedLog: PostViewedLog } """ ユーザー情報 """ type User { """ 口座情報。自分以外取得不可。 """ bankAccount: UserBankAccount coverImageUrl: String """ メールアドレス。自分以外取得不可。 """ email: String! """ フォロワー。自分以外取得不可。 """ followers( """ Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. """ after: String """ Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. """ before: String """ Returns the first _n_ elements from the list. """ first: Int """ Returns the last _n_ elements from the list. """ last: Int ): UserConnection! """ フォローしているユーザー。自分以外取得不可。 """ follows( """ Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. """ after: String """ Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor. """ before: String """ Returns the first _n_ elements from the list. """ first: Int """ Returns the last _n_ elements from the list. """ last: Int ): UserConnection! iconUrl: String """ 登録メールアドレスの確認が完了しているかどうか。自分以外取得不可。 """ isEmailConfirmed: Boolean! """ OAuth登録フローで、メールを登録していないかどうか """ isOauthEmailUnregistered: Boolean! """ メールアドレス変更の確認が完了しているか。自分以外取得不可。 """ isPendingEmailReconfirmation: Boolean! """ 仮登録状態かどうか """ isTemporaryRegistered: Boolean! """ 未読の通知があるかどうか """ isUnreadNotificationsPresent: Boolean! """ Twitter連携オンオプ。自分以外取得不可。 """ linkableTwitter: Boolean! """ メール通知設定情報。自分以外取得不可。 """ mailNotificationSetting: MailNotificationSetting! nickname: String! """ 有料投稿が有効か """ paidPostEnabled: Boolean! pinnedPost: Post """ ※ HTMLで返ってくる """ profile: String rawProfile: String totalPlayCount: Int! twitterScreenName: String """ メールアドレス変更のときに、変更の確認が完了していないメールアドレス。自分以外取得不可。 """ unconfirmedEmail: String userName: ID! } """ 口座情報 """ type UserBankAccount { accountNumber: String! bankName: String! branchNumber: String! holderName: String! } """ The connection type for User. """ type UserConnection { """ A list of edges. """ edges: [UserEdge] """ A list of nodes. """ nodes: [User] """ Information to aid in pagination. """ pageInfo: PageInfo! """ 総件数 """ totalCount: Int! } """ An edge in a connection. """ type UserEdge { """ A cursor for use in pagination. """ cursor: String! """ The item at the end of the edge. """ node: User } """ おたよりを匿名にするかどうかの情報 """ enum ViolationCommentReportContentEnum { """ 嫌がらせ、いじめ """ HARASSMENT """ ポルノや露骨な性的コンテンツ """ SEXUAL """ 商業目的のコンテンツやスパム """ SPAM """ 悪意のある表現や露骨な暴力描写 """ VIOLENT } """ 違反コメント報告入力情報 """ input ViolationCommentReportInput { """ 内容 """ content: ViolationCommentReportContentEnum! } """ 投稿違反報告入力情報 """ input ViolationPostReportInput { """ 内容 """ content: String! } """ Autogenerated input type of Withdraw """ input WithdrawInput { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String } """ Autogenerated return type of Withdraw """ type WithdrawPayload { """ A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. """ clientMutationId: String }